F1GP/WC Utilities & Add-ons

F1GP HoF Qualifier

HoF Qualifier Window The F1GP HoF Qualifier program was designed for keeping track of your fastest lap times for the Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame. It basically does the same thing as, the now very old, F1GP-RES. However, it does everything in a much better way with a more modern, system friendly user interface.

Lap times can be entered, along with the car setups and options used to set the time. This provides an excellent way of storing and organizing your all important record lap times. Of course, it also features an export option which allows you to save your records in ASCII text format, in the style required for submitting times in the Hall of Fame.

F1GP HoF Qualifier is a more than worthy successor to Edo's ageing F1GP-RES (which is no longer being developed). Hopefully, development of this program will continue which will mean that things will get even better and it won't become out of date.

Current Version:2.05
Author:Micro Dimensions Software (Neil Tweedy & Rob Wilson)
Compatibility:All F1GP versions
System Requirements:Workbench 2.0 or higher; 68020 or better
More Information:The program documentation is available on-line, if you would like to read about all the details.
Download:HoFQ.lha (27K)
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